We are looking for farmers to sell their fresh produce at
the new farmers market in the city of Doral.
Please contact Mansi or Andrea to secure your spot
786-845-8271 or 954.558.8975
You may also send an e-mail to doralfarmersmarket@yahoo.com
or join our Doral Farmers Market group on Facebook
- Doral was recently rated #2 city to live well in America (see Forbes Magazine article "America's Top 25 Towns To Live Well")
- There are over 13,000 households in Doral, with a median family income of $80,600.
- If only 1% of the households shop at your produce stand, and they spend an average of $10, you will make $1,300. Not bad for a 1/2 day worth of work!
- 78% of Doral Residents are Hispanic, and they appreciate fresh markets as this was their method of buing produce back home.
- Farmers markets offer a prime location, and costs such as insurance and marketing are shared with others.
- Large profit margins.
- Customer feedback is often immediate, offering the farmers first hand knowledge of what the shopper really wants.
- Minimal start-up costs & immediate access.
- Positive farmer to farmer relationships.
- Publicity for the farm.
- Less food miles saves money & the environment.
- Reduce wastage.
- It's just plain fun to sell at the farmers' market!!
This year, we have adopt a tree event right here in Doral. Check it out and mark your calendars to get your free tree.